Why You Should Worship God

Rarely does someone plan their life thinking about what happens 3 seconds after death. What ever happens at that moment is for eternity. So why should you worship God?

Let’s start with the Scriptures first.

Where else can you go to get a full account for the purpose of life? Where else can you find unconditional love from your Creator? Only the Old and New Testaments are a faithful guide to life and conduct.

The Bible is without any errors in the original autographs and therefore is faithful in the teachings it contains for our world and life views. Any understanding of the Scriptures must be governed by grammar, historical setting and its overall theology. 


You need to consider that the Bible is made up of narrative and history, poetry and song, wisdom and writings; all of which are meant to reveal the history of the redemption of mankind by a holy God. This Holy God has accomplished such a great Salvation through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the focus of all of history and He is revealed to us in the Scriptures.

The Presbyterian Church accepts the Bible as the only inspired and true revelation of God. The Bible is a fully trustworthy to guide to us in all matters of faith and practice. 

Scripture  interprets Scripture. The Presbyterian Church also uses the Westminster Confession of Faith to inform us what true Reformed Protestant faith is. 

The Scriptures are very clear: all people are commanded to repent of their sins and worship God. Acts 17:30

Because we believe this about the Scriptures we take worship seriously. It means that our work and witness has distinctive guiding values which include:

·        The Presbyterian Church is reformed in its doctrines and church practice

·        We accept the understanding of the Bible as outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647).

As you consider the question of why you should be worshipping God, your Creator, remember we are all only a heartbeat from eternity.