Westminster Confession Of Faith



The Westminster Confession of Faith is a famous document that expresses the doctrine of the Christian faith. It teaches what is revealed in Scripture in a very clear and concise way. Scripture references are given for every statement made.

It comes from a group of men known as the Westminster Divines. This group of men were appointed by the English parliament to produce an accurate summary of the Christian faith. They presented their final edition in 1647 A.D. The Westminster Confession of Faith gives us the system of doctrines contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

While the Bible is the supreme standard of our faith in the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, we understand and adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith as subordinate, and read in light of the Declaratory Statement adopted by the Presbyterian Church of Australia in 1901.

You can download a copy of the WCF here: 
